How to Clean Front Load Washer Gasket

How to Clean Front Load Washer Gasket

September 11, 2024 Russ 0 Comments

How to Clean Front Load Washer Gasket

How and with what to clean the rubber front gasket of the washing machine hatch

Washing machine, being an indispensable attribute of every home, requires regular maintenance and cleanliness for a long service. Like any household appliance, the washing machine needs some care. Otherwise, there might be the appearance of scale, lime scale, in the worst case mold on the rubber cuff of the hatch. How to fight it and clean the cuff from black scale?

Mold can lead to the appearance of dark stains on the sealing rubber of the washing machine and unpleasant odor inside the drum, which can be transferred to the washed laundry. Mold should not be allowed to grow, as it is often the source of various diseases and infections.

Why mold appears on the rubber cuff? Because of the use of the machine in programs of short-term modes, washing with a temperature not higher than 60 degrees, the rubber cuff is not wiped after use (long closed hatch after washing), hard water.

There are several effective ways to clean the rubber cuff of the washing machine. These are ways using various inexpensive cleaning agents and chemicals. The use of one or another means depends on the degree of contamination.

When cleaning the cuff, usually use bleach (chlorine bleach), 9% table vinegar, baking soda, citric acid. There are also cleaning agents like: Shumanit, Tiret, Domestos, Vanish, Duck Fresh Disks, dishwasher tablets.

Here are a few cleaning examples. Cleaning with bleach whitewash. Measure out 100 ml of bleach and pour it into the machine drum. Then set the wash mode with the longest duration and 90 degrees temperature. After completing the wash, do not forget to rinse twice.

After the procedure is completed, do not close the machine lid and do not turn on the machine for washing for at least a day to completely eliminate the chlorine odor.

The use of citric acid, which copes with mold and limescale (it cleans both the tenon and the drum). Gently run a damp cloth over all the folds of the sealing rubber and rinse it completely. Then place 60-80 grams of citric acid inside the detergent compartment.

Set the water temperature to the highest possible temperature and select the longest wash cycle. If possible, activate the extra rinse option or perform it manually after the main wash cycle has finished.

To reduce the risk of mold growth, it is important to take preventive measures and properly care for your washing machine and follow the rules of use. Here are some practical recommendations.

Always leave the washing machine door open between washing cycles to allow ventilation of the interior and avoid excessive moisture. Ensure that the room where the machine is located is well ventilated. After each wash, be sure to wipe the rubber cuff with a dry cloth. Removing any residual moisture will prevent mold growth.

Do not leave wet laundry in the machine. This promotes fungus growth, spreading mold spores throughout the laundry. Do a full cycle wash every month with a high temperature (at least 60 degrees). Add a little bleach to further sanitize the machine.

Clean with a whitewash solution once every six months as a preventative measure against limescale and mold. The rubber cuff should be checked regularly for wear and damage. Timely preventive maintenance will help to avoid serious problems with the appliance and prolong its service life.

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